Imagine this...

You are travelling in France to meet some friends. You can’t find your train, and everyone is speaking at what seems like warp speed. Suddenly all the time you invested in your French language studies goes out the window, and all you can feel is the knot in your stomach. You try to muster up the courage to ask for help, but nothing comes out in French…and worse, you can’t even get the attention of the person behind the counter!

Sound familiar? At one point you have either experienced this scenario OR you imagined it going down like that.

But what if you could learn a language in a way that would help with your confidence and retention and give you the knowledge of cultural differences so that you are able to connect effectively with the native speaker?

At The Language Learning Institute, you can learn skills that enable you to converse at the level on which you are studying. We use tried and tested methods to build your confidence in speaking and understanding AND we support your experience by educating you in the cultural and linguistic nuances of what you are studying.

Learn More

Converse in French Using What You Learned
Beginning French Lesson 1 Course Introduction

This 4-week course will enable you to listen and study with the recorded lesson as much as you want or need. In week 4 this course will end with a virtual group lesson to practice with a teacher what you have learned. The scheduled group class (TBA) with the teacher will be recorded so that if you are unable to attend, you can still watch it and practice with your classmates.

This introductory course is divided into modules in which you will learn and practice:

  • How to introduce yourself, state your nationality and where you are from
  • How to obtain this information from someone
  • Numbers 0-10
  • Spelling
  • Correct pronunciation so that you can understand the native speaker AND they can understand you!
Social Proof
This is what some of our happy students and their parents are saying about their experience with us!

My daughter has been receiving private French lessons at the Language Learning Institute for about a year. Under the tutelage of director, Nancy Scarselletta, her listening, speaking and writing skills have flourished and her confidence has grown immensely.

Michele B

The atmosphere at the institute creates a very comfortable learning environment, making learning a new language easy and fun. Highly recommend!


Positive learning environment that has helped me achieve my goal! It is worth it!

Rachel C

Excellent and fun experience for my girls to learn a new language.

Chrisanne C

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit,

Name Here Sub title goes here
Course Outcomes
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:

Confidently participate in an introductory conversation with a native or near-native speaker ….. listen to what is being said to you and hear familiar words! Understand some of the very rudimentary cultural and linguistic nuances of the given material that will endear you to the native speaker…

  • Superpower #1 CONFIDENTLY ENGAGE
  • Superpower #3 LISTEN AND NOT FREAK OUT
  • Superpower #4 HEAR WHAT IS BEING SAID
  • Superpower #6 BE CULTURALLY AWARE
Special Features

YOU control your pace! Self-evaluation Quizzes for which only you see the results!

Unlimited Replays

Play and Re-play the lesson as much as you want until you are comfortable with the material

Pause Free Videos

The teacher will give you an opportunity to speak before him/her; then a confirmation response will be given. NO need to keep pausing!

Live Instruction

Get on a Virtual Zoom Class at the end of the lesson to practice what you have learned! This will be your chance to shine.

Still Unsure?

Click HERE to get a FREE trial French mini-lesson!


Founder/Director Nancy A Scarselletta

Hello! I'm Nancy. On my journey to becoming bi-lingual, I studied and lived in Biarritz and Paris where I was inspired to teach French differently. Wanting to teach students how to speak French and connect with people, I took my diverse undergraduate work, studies in phonetics at the Sorbonne, and my Master's Degree from Middlebury and created what is now known as The Language Learning Institute Methodology. Thousands of students have benefited from this way of teaching, and you can too!

French Teacher Sandra Perin

Sandra Perin was born in Croatia, where she started learning French at the age of 9. She attended bilingual French high school, before moving to Paris in 1998 to study Human Resources and International Trade at Sorbonne University. Passionate with French language and culture, she lived in Paris for 22 years and worked as an HR Consultant. Before joining the Language Learning Institute, she was teaching French to her family and friends, both adults and children.


These fees include one pre-scheduled live virtual class with the teacher in the 4th week.


Enroll Now


  • For how long will I have access to the material after the course has ended?

    You will have access to the material for 3 months after the course has ended.

  • What happens if I can’t complete everything during the given time period for the lesson?

    Each lesson is broken up into a certain number of modules that can take up to a maximum of 30 minutes each to complete. In the event that you cannot complete the material, you will still have access to it and can work through it before going on to the next material

  • What if I am not finished with the course by the time of the group lesson. Can I still attend?

    YES! By all means. In fact, it is encouraged to attend the group class even if you have not completed the material. You will still learn!

  • What happens after this course? Will there be others with which I can continue?

    Yes! There will be others! Upon completion or near completion of the course, you will be able to register for the next course and advance through your studies.