Never Ask for the English Menu Again!

Learn some key expressions to enable you to walk into a Spanish/Latino restaurant with confidence!

FREE Mini-Lesson: At the Restaurant

Get Rid of Language Learning Anxiety!

How many of these apply to YOU?

1. You didn't like learning a foreign language in school and are scared to start again.
2. In class, you feel so awkward when called on to speak.
3. Nothing seems to stay in your brain.
4. In real life, when you start to speak, you freeze.

We get you! This guide is filled with techniques and tips that will alleviate the natural fears when learning and using a new language in public.

Coming Soon

Beginning Spanish Lesson 1

Make an impressive first impression

For beginners with little or no Spanish language background.

  • Greetings: how and when to use them
  • How to introduce yourself and express where you are from
  • Tell how you are doing, and get that info from others

See Details About Lesson 1 See All Spanish Lessons


Agustina Boccaloni

Agustina was born and raised n Argentina where she currently resides. She studied English at the Liverpool School of English in England, and has taught English to children and Adults in Argentina.  In addition to Spanish and English, she also speaks French and Italian. Having a perfect score academically throughout her studies, Agustina has a passion for education, language acquisition and cultural exchange.

Throughout her years of experience as a Spanish teacher for foreign students, she has worked with people of all ages, levels, and nationalities.

Her extensive studies in multiple languages gives her a personal perspective of the challenges in language learning, enabling her to lead students to language learning very effectively.

The Language Learning Institute

We are a community of people from across the country and beyond, interested in promoting cultural understanding and tolerance through the study of foreign language.